Tag: separation

If you are considering divorce, it can be difficult to discern all your legal options and

When parents decide to separate or divorce, it can be a challenging time for a family.

Family law focuses on numerous areas of law usually pertaining to family matters including divorce, child

Divorce can be a painful time for families. For couples who have children, this time can

The holidays may have seemed fun and exciting before your separation. Now, things might feel complicated

Deciding to divorce is difficult enough, but telling your kids can feel even harder. This is

Just because you may no longer be a husband or wife doesn’t mean you aren’t still

It doesn’t start out bad. In fact, the whirlwind romance, self-assurance, and emotional vulnerability may sweep

Going through a divorce is challenging enough as it is. Having an attorney that makes the

Conscious uncoupling is a process for ending a romantic relationship that allows both partners to be

If you and your partner are facing marital issues, you may have discussed the option of