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Separation agreements serve as legally binding documents outlining the terms and conditions agreed upon by spouses when they decide to live separately. These agreements cover aspects such as property division, spousal support, child custody, and visitation rights. While not a requirement for separation, having a well-drafted agreement can provide clarity, minimize conflicts, and serve as a roadmap during the separation process.

How to Get a Separation Agreement in Fort Mill

When you and your spouse have separated but do not have grounds for divorce, you can apply to the court for the right to live separately. This is done through an action for “separate maintenance and support,” which is a claim for spousal support. If the court considers issues of alimony, child support or child custody at this time, it can also deal with equitable division of marital property. Separation officially begins on the day that the spouses no longer live together.

Why You Need a Family Lawyer in Fort Mill

Harden Law Firm can provide legal guidance, ensure the document adheres to state laws, and address key issues like property division, spousal support, and child custody. After both parties review and agree to the terms, the separation agreement should be signed and notarized. While not mandatory, having a legally sound separation agreement can bring clarity and structure to the separation process.

Separations aren’t always easy or straightforward. Harden Law is your advocate for legal separation, equipped to cover your unique situation.


Is legal separation the same as divorce?

No, legal separation is not the same as divorce. Legal separation is a legal status that allows a married couple to live separately while remaining legally married. During a legal separation, the couple may address issues such as property division, spousal support, and child custody, similar to divorce proceedings. However, they are still legally married and cannot remarry. In contrast, divorce (or dissolution of marriage) is the legal termination of a marriage. Once a divorce is finalized, the marital relationship is legally ended, and both parties are free to remarry if they choose.The decision between legal separation and divorce depends on individual circumstances and preferences.

Legal separation in South Carolina, while not required, can offer several benefits for couples considering divorce:

  1. Financial Stability: Legal separation allows spouses to establish financial boundaries and address issues like spousal support and property division while still married.
  2. Healthcare and Benefits: Remaining legally married during separation may allow one spouse to continue receiving benefits such as health insurance coverage from the other spouse’s plan.
  3. Religious or Personal Beliefs: For individuals whose religious or personal beliefs discourage divorce, legal separation provides a formal arrangement for living apart without officially terminating the marriage.
  4. Trial Period: Legal separation can serve as a trial period for couples to assess whether reconciliation is possible or if divorce is the preferred course of action.
  5. Social Security Benefits: Maintaining legal marital status for a specific duration can be essential for spouses aiming to maximize Social Security benefits based on their partner’s earnings.

In South Carolina, an Order of Separate Support and Maintenance is a legal decree that addresses financial and support matters for married couples living apart but not seeking a divorce. This order can establish terms related to spousal support, child custody, and child support. It provides a formal structure for the financial obligations of each spouse during their separation. Unlike a divorce decree, a Separate Support and Maintenance order does not terminate the marital status, allowing couples to remain legally married. This legal arrangement can be beneficial for couples who may not be ready for divorce but need clear guidelines for financial responsibilities during their separation.

While South Carolina doesn’t have a specific legal separation agreement, couples can achieve similar objectives through a process known as a “separate support and maintenance action.” In this action, court can issue orders addressing matters such as spousal support, child custody, and child support while the couple remains legally married but lives separately. These orders function similarly to provisions in a legal separation agreement. Alternatively, couples may choose to create a private agreement, outlining their mutual decisions regarding separation and related matters.

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Thank you so much Haley. You were very quick to act throughout the whole divorce trial and process.

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