Harden Law Blogs

In situations in which parents cannot agree on a parenting plan, they must participate in a child custody hearing. Preparing for a custody hearing can feel frightening and overwhelming at first, given the weight of the judge’s decision. However, by following these tips, you can feel more confident entering the courtroom. 1. Become Familiar...

It’s summer: the season of long-awaited family reunions, relaxing vacations, and the fondest of memories. With

Facing divorce is a life-altering, all-consuming process that can and should be treated as the significant

Even though joint custody arrangements are the obvious preference of courts and most parents,these arrangements can

Surprisingly few couples seek out marriage counseling before filing for divorce. However, the vast majority of

As social media continually increases its role in our day-to-day lives, we are reminded to watch

When the spread of COVID-19 first entered our country in March and short-term stay-at-home orders were

Many people turn to the Internet for information about legal separation in SC when they are

Legal Separation in SC If you’re considering legal separation or divorce in South Carolina, it’s likely

At Harden Law, we focus on comprehensive family law and personal injury services. Serving both individuals

What to Look for in a Divorce Attorney When you’re looking for a divorce attorney, you

A family lawyer is an attorney who represents clients in legal issues focusing on family law.