Tag: custody

Throughout the divorce process and in the years following, child custody is usually one of the

In situations in which parents cannot agree on a parenting plan, they must participate in a

For years, research has told us that divorce can have a negative impact on children’s mental

Child support is defined as the payment one parent makes to the other to be used

Child custody agreements are enough of a challenge. There are intense emotions on both sides and

You’ve likely heard the terms “legal guardianship” and “joint custody” before but may be unsure about

The holidays can be a tense time for everyone, but for those who share custody of

It’s summer: the season of long-awaited family reunions, relaxing vacations, and the fondest of memories. With

Even though joint custody arrangements are the obvious preference of courts and most parents,these arrangements can

The holidays may have seemed fun and exciting before your separation. Now, things might feel complicated

When getting a divorce, it’s imperative to be prepared for how your children will be impacted

Conscious uncoupling is a process for ending a romantic relationship that allows both partners to be