When Is The Best Time To File For Divorce?


Ending a marriage is an extremely difficult and emotional process. In that regard, there is no best time to file for a divorce. 

However, unless you are a victim of adultery, abuse, drugs, or alcohol, and need to leave the marriage immediately, you likely have some time for planning and preparation.

If you know divorce is in your future and are considering the most beneficial timing, both emotionally and financially, the most important factor to consider is whether or not you are ready for the divorce proceedings and everything involved. The following are ways to know it is an optimal time to file for divorce.

You Are Financially Prepared

As divorce proceedings begin, you will need all of your financial documents in order and readily accessible (i.e. bank statements, tax returns, pay stubs). If there is any contentiousness within the marriage, take the extra measure to store them in either a safe deposit box or with a relative or friend you trust. 

If your spouse was in charge of the finances during the marriage, you may not have much knowledge of what they look like. Before you enter into the divorce process, you need to take more of a role in this. You want to be able to monitor any withdrawals from a joint account or become aware of any potential discrepancies. Be sure to have your own account as well so any savings you acquire for divorce proceedings and life afterwards can remain separate from your spouse.

If your credit is not where you want or need it to be, take the time prior to divorce to build more established credit. This will set you off on the right foot for the next phase of life.

Your Job Status Is Secure

Along with ensuring your finances are in order, acquiring a job that offers a sufficient income and secure status can help you feel more confident in moving forward.

Even with potential alimony and child support, you want to be able to adequately support yourself financially. Divorce is expensive, and now without a second income in the mix, you will have to budget for the future accordingly. 

Your Children Are Older

Child custody is almost always one of the major points of contention between spouses obtaining a divorce. On top of that, one parent may need to make child support payments until age 18 and make additional contributions as the child attends college. 

For that reason, financially, waiting until a child is older has benefits in terms of when to file for divorce. Usually, the divorce is a smoother, more efficient, and less expensive process. 

However, waiting until your children are older is an option that is not always present. Even in situations where the children are in no danger, there may still be underlying stress in the home. This is a personal choice where all factors need to be taken into account.

You Have A Stellar Divorce Team

Every divorce is different, yet it is always difficult. The best way you can prepare is by taking the time to seek an attorney that fits with you and your situation. Consult with several, and decide who you will work with most effectively.  

You want someone who will listen with compassion to your unique story, and with the expertise and passion to help make this challenging time go as smoothly as possible with the best possible results. If you are looking for a knowledgeable, empathetic team of family law attorneys, reach out here.

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