Fair and deserved restitution that makes sense

Alimony is a regular payment one spouse makes to the other for support during and/or after a divorce. Spouses may agree to alimony, or the court may order it if the spouses can’t agree. Alimony orders may be temporary or permanent. In South Carolina, the court has the discretion to make any alimony order that is appropriate, considering the couple’s circumstances.

How to Get Alimony in Fort Mill

In South Carolina, alimony, also known as spousal support, is typically awarded based on factors such as the duration of the marriage, the financial situation of both spouses and the needs of the spouse seeking alimony. At Harden Law Firm, we will work with you to understand your specific circumstances and the legal requirements for alimony. They can provide guidance on the process and help you navigate the relevant laws and factors involved in determining alimony.

Why You Need an Alimony Specialist in Fort Mill

Ensuring an equitable alimony decision is a very detailed and nuanced process including 5 different types of alimony. When you choose Harden Law to advocate for you in these delicate matters, you can be confident that your family’s needs will be ideally provided for. Harden Law can negotiate on your behalf, advocate for fair terms, and provide guidance throughout the legal proceedings. Overall, our expertise can significantly increase your chances of achieving a favorable outcome in your alimony case.


What is alimony and when is it awarded?

Alimony is a regular payment one spouse makes to the other for support during and/or after a divorce. It can be awarded based on various factors, including the length of the marriage, the financial condition of the parties, and more.

South Carolina recognizes five types of alimony: periodic, lump sum, rehabilitative, reimbursement, and separate maintenance and support.

Whether you’re entitled to alimony depends on factors like the length of your marriage, financial contributions, and individual circumstances. Consulting with a family law attorney is advisable for a personalized assessment based on your specific situation and applicable laws in your jurisdiction.

You must request alimony during your divorce proceeding. You will not be allowed to request it after the divorce case is over.

  • You and your spouse can agree to include the length of your alimony arrangement in the court order.
  • If you do not agree, the judge will decide what is appropriate for your situation.
  • Indefinite alimony or permanent alimony lasts until either spouse dies or until the court determines that alimony is no longer appropriate.
  • Time-limited alimony (also called rehabilitative alimony) lasts for a limited time, as determined by the judge (for example, to allow the receiving spouse to obtain work experience or training necessary to become self-supporting).
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Highly recommend the Harden’s for all of your family law needs. Haley is a great attorney and is very responsive!

David D.

Harden Law