Starting Fresh: Spring Cleaning After a Divorce

spring cleaning after divorce

spring cleaning after divorce

Many people who get divorced find that creating their new living space can be intensely therapeutic after such a traumatic event.

Even if you’re living in the same house, the space is not the same. This is the perfect time do so some spring cleaning and get rid of items that you don’t use. Creating a clear, clutter-free space can help you take control of your new environment as well as to heal.

Cleaning up your behavior and finances can be part of your spring cleaning routine as well. Use your divorce as an opportunity to start fresh and enjoy your new space. Here’s how you can cultivate new beginnings and conduct some serious spring cleaning after your divorce.

Start by Clearing out Clutter

It can feel intimidating to begin clearing out items, some of which may not even be yours. Just begin with a small space—even a drawer—and go from there.

If any items in your home belong to your ex, return the items to him or her. If they’re unwanted items, simply donate them or throw them away. You might be tempted to keep items that once belonged to you and your spouse—this is usually not a good idea.

Removing traces of your previous marriage can help create a positive space that’s healthier for you. Having objects around that remind you of your former spouse can create negativity and trigger feelings of remorse, anger, or guilt.

Creating a healthy living space can be beneficial to your mood rather than bring you down. With less clutter and all of your ex’s things gone, you’re setting yourself up for a fresh start after divorce. This can be symbolic of new beginnings in your life and letting go of the past.

Be an Active Part of the Design Process

Although the property settlement during the divorce will determine who gets what, you may consider still donating some of your items and just starting fresh.

Perhaps a paint color in your home or a certain piece of art reminds you of your ex. Maybe your ex is keeping the house and some of the items in it, meaning you’re going to need to start completely over. Although this can feel discouraging, consider the opportunity you now have to create and maintain your own space.

Don’t underestimate the power your interior design can have. Colors, shapes, even furniture pieces can all influence your mood. Having control over the design process of your new home can be a calming feeling and can generate enthusiasm!

Being in control of your own space can be fulfilling after such a difficult time. Get rid of things you don’t need and use the space for your own means. When you finally have room for your personal property after years of living with someone, it can feel liberating.

Tend to Your Behavior

Spring cleaning shouldn’t end with your home—it’s also time to take a look at your behaviors and do some tidying up there too.

Get rid of any emotional or mental clutter that’s left over after your divorce. This includes negative thoughts about yourself, any unresolved problems you may have at work or home, and letting go of resentments about how things didn’t work out.

You can also examine unhealthy routines you may have formed. These include habits such as not taking care of yourself or failing to maintain the other relationships in your life. Taking an introspective look at your behavior can be eye-opening.

At first, it may feel like you simply don’t have the energy for family and friends after going through your divorce. However, these relationships can be incredibly beneficial during this time.

Start small—grab lunch with an old friend, or call a relative you haven’t spoken to in a while. Sometimes just reaching out is energizing and healing.

This is the time to develop new habits and clear out old resentments. Spring cleaning your behavior and habits can feel just as refreshing as clearing out the clutter from your home!

Reassess Your Finances

Spring cleaning is the perfect time to reassess your financial situation after divorce. It’s also a great time to get all your documents in order and put them in a safe place.

Having your financial documents together in a safe away from your ex will save you loads of time and money later. Should anything come up—especially with tax time so close—all your things will be together securely in one place.

This is also a great opportunity to reassess your financial situation. Get a copy of your credit score and dispute any discrepancies. Keep an eye on any statements from joint credit cards you have with your ex. Keeping records of everything is crucial during this time.

Your credit will be paramount for securing a future loan, so tidy up your credit score. Get a bank account and a credit card in your own name if you don’t already have one.

During your financial assessment, set your emotions aside and be as prepared as possible for the coming changes to your finances, especially your income.

Divorce doesn’t feel like a time to be celebrating anything. The loss of your former spouse has likely brought up a whole range of emotions that you’re only beginning to tackle. Engage in some therapeutic spring cleaning after this dramatic change in your life.

By clearing away clutter, designing your new living space, and evaluating your behavior and habits, you might just feel like a new person when the process is over. Also take this time to assess your financial situation after such as big change—it can help you be prepared and feel more at ease!