Common Questions About Child Support

Any divorce is hard to get through for a couple, but the children are often the ones who are hurt the most. They have to witness their own parents split up and also comprehend what exactly is going on. One of the divorced parents will have to pay child support, which are payments made to the parent in the custody of the child, or children, over several years that will help take care of the child or children.

It is an overwhelming task for some parents. Sometimes, a parent is unable to make payments because of several circumstances. It is a complicated business for new divorcees, and they are more than likely to ask a few questions. There are some typical questions that do come up when discussing child support with lawyers. They can range from what they can do to how child support works. The Harden Law Firm in Fort Hill and Rock Hill, South Carolina offer services involving divorces and child laws, which also includes child support.

How can divorcees receive child support orders?

There will be a court ordered date between the parties involved, by the state’s child support services division, or CSSD. There will be a court hearing, or negotiation conference, in which the two parties will set up the child support and how much money it will be. If one of the two parties is unable to make it, then an out-of-state hearing will occur.
Who are the parties involved?

Generally, it is two parents. The parent with the responsibility of the child or children is called the custodial parent, or the CP. The parent without child or children is called a non-custodial parent, or the NCP. The NCP will be the one making the payments on a month-to-month basis. However, according to the Harden Law Firm, the state of South Carolina requires both parents to make payments towards the children. In particular circumstances, if both parents are under the age of 18, then the child’s grandparents will be the ones who are required to make child support payments.
Do the payments have an end date?

In most states, like South Carolina for example, it is when the child turns 18. With some states, the age in which the payments will stop can vary. Parties involved can also contribute to college expenses for the children, that is if the child wants to further his or her education.
How much will the child support payments be?

Payments will be calculated based on several factors which includes a total of parents’ income, among other things. Child support payments can be decreased, but only after the two parties have had another hearing with the CSSD.

At the end of it all, child support is just another depressing part of the divorce. The payments can cause stress on an NCP and can result in all kinds of personal financial issues. However, it is an unavoidable part of a divorce process. The law firm at Harden Law will be sure to help those parents who are taking on this immense responsibility. A responsibility that is required by law.

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