Harden Law Blogs

In situations in which parents cannot agree on a parenting plan, they must participate in a child custody hearing. Preparing for a custody hearing can feel frightening and overwhelming at first, given the weight of the judge’s decision. However, by following these tips, you can feel more confident entering the courtroom. 1. Become Familiar...

Yes, you’ve seen it coming. You’ve been having challenges within the marriage, you’ve been struggling to

Suffering a serious injury can have long-term and sometimes detrimental consequences. Medical bills pile up as

Whether or not to file for divorce, no matter the circumstances, is an extremely difficult decision

Divorce is always an extremely difficult and emotional process, but when one partner files for a

When those divorce papers are finally signed and the process is complete, you likely feel as

Back in May, the FDA authorized the COVID-19 vaccine for children between 12 and 15. Following

In 2015, the landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, including in the thirteen

The holidays can be a tense time for everyone, but for those who share custody of

For parents beginning divorce proceedings, breaking the news to your children is often the most difficult

When many couples file for divorce, the decision is mutual, and the process itself is amicable.

For any couple wishing to avoid litigation in court, mediation is a widely used alternative. In

The financial side of divorce can feel intimidating at first, especially when already facing the emotional