What is my divorce lawyers role in my case? | Fort Mill SC Attorneys

Throughout the divorce process, your divorce lawyer will represent you and your best interests. In the court room and through all legal proceedings, you can trust that your divorce lawyer will properly advise you. At Harden Law, we are professional legal divorce attorneys and can help you throughout the entire divorce process. (Click here to learn more about us.)

Changes in the Case

If any changes arise throughout your case, your divorce attorney will consult with you of the changes.

Legal Advice

Your divorce attorney will provide you both practical and legal advice during all legal divorce matters.

Sole Representation

Your divorce attorney cannot represent both you and your spouse.

Court Proceedings

Your divorce attorney will properly advise you of the court proceedings. They will be able to also advise you of the different
potential outcomes for your case.

A divorce can be a difficult process. Let the divorce experts at Harden Law help you through this difficult time. As divorce attorneys in Fort Mill SC, we can represent you and your best interests throughout your case.
Click here to contact us for a consultation.

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