How to Break the Divorce News to Friends and Family


Telling the world that you’ve made the decision to file for divorce is anything but easy to do. Depending on the circumstances, you may be happy, afraid, overwhelmed, or even sad. You may be happy to finally have a fresh start or you may feel like you’ve failed. No matter what the circumstances are, there are a lot of instances in which you’ll need to tell family and friends. The problem with telling people is that they often want to know the reasons. You may not know these or even have them. How will you communicate to your friends and family that you’ve made this big decision?

Tell a Family Member First

The person that is closest to you should be the person that you tell first. The reason for doing so is simple. It can help to answer your concerns about having to tell many people. First, you’ll be able to trust the person you are speaking to and you will feel more comfortable talking about it. You may wish to give this person the ability to ask you questions. It may help you to talk to them about the information. It will help you to organize your thoughts so that, if you decide to do so, tell others later.

In some situations, you may wish to give this person the ability to communicate with others about the divorce. He or she may be able to provide accurate information to other family members that ask. In this situation, you’ll want to be sure the other person is trustworthy and is not the type to provide misleading information or gossip. Of course, this is not something they need to do either.

Tips to Make the Conversation Easier

No matter who you tell, it will be a difficult conversation. To ensure the process goes as well as possible, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Remember that you are under no obligation to tell anyone. There’s no rule that says you have to provide the details.
  • You may wish to avoid saying negative things about your spouse since you do not want these statements to become a legal matter in the future.
  • You should feel free to cry or be angry. Do not hide or stifle your feelings because you do not think they are appropriate or understood.
  • You don’t have to put a positive spin on the situation. It is okay for other people to know that you are struggling through this process. It may help you to share your thoughts.
  • It does not matter what other people think. You know that you are making this decision for the right reasons and that is all that matters.

When it comes to making the decision to divorce Fort Mill, SC attorneys are available to help you through the process. Talk to your attorney about what you should and should not say in such matters especially if there are children involved in the process.